
Output 6.1.1: Governance Guidelines & Lessons

For the life cycle of a blue-green roof

The report is structured as follows. Following an overview of the purpose and research questions in this report (chapter 1), a phase model (chapter 2) is presented in which the central processes (stakeholder management, asset management, financial management) across the subsequent phases of blue-green roof construction (start-up, preparation and design, planning, implementation and monitoring) are specified and explained. This
provides insight into the activities that are relevant in each process dimension along the consecutive phases of blue-green roof construction. Subsequently, chapter 3 presents an overview of critical governance dimensions in relation to the potential for wider diffusion of blue-green roofs beyond the RESILIO project (economic, institutional, technological, stakeholder) at different levels in the build environment (roof, building, neighbourhood, city). This is followed by an in-depth look into the RESILIO project and the central governance lessons that have been learned (chapter 4), and a concluding chapter in which conclusions in relation to the governance guidelines for blue-green roofs are discussed, alongside suggestions for future research based on project outcomes (chapter 5)

