
Peuterspeelzaaltuinen als verkoelende gebieden in Poznań (abstract)

Dit onderzoek is gepresenteerd bij 'de potentie van stedelijk groen', een sessie die is gehouden op de eerste dag van de wetenschappelijke conferentie Reinventing the City, georganiseerd door AMS Institute.

Een passage uit het abstract:
Currently, about 50% of the global population lives in urban settings, and by 2050 it is projected that
the share will grow to 70% [1]. Urban areas are increasingly exposed to the impacts of climate change like frequent occurrence of extreme events e.g. heatwaves, strong winds, flash floods [2][3]. Parallelly, cities are affected by urban heat islands [4] what makes the urban thermal conditions an urgent issue to tackle towards healthy and resilient cities. Climate change challenges mentioned are within the interest of project Connecting Nature (H2020) aimed at positioning Europe as a global leader in the innovation and implementation of nature-based solutions. The City of Poznań together with Adam Mickiewicz University, as the project partners, monitor the impact of preschool gardens on local thermal conditions."

Auteurs: Piotr Lupa 1 & Iwona Zwierzchowska

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