Business Park Amsterdam Osdorp
Onderdeel van
Bachelor onderzoek naar een duurzaam Businesspark
This research provides a detailed framework that aids in meeting the expectations of the municipality of Amsterdam with regards to the sustainable development of Business Park Amsterdam Osdorp (BPAO).
The challenge in developing BPAO is creating an environment in which economic prosperity and sustainable development can be combined in a mutually reinforcing relationship. Our research question is: “How can green recreational areas be designed in BPAO in order to make the Businesspark more sustainable and how should such a design be implemented by the municipality?”. We answer the research question by splitting the research up in two parts: the first part sketches an optimal design for recreational areas within the business park with the goal of reducing CO2 emissions, enhancing employee wellbeing and reducing waste while maintaining biodiversity. The second part of the research explains how such a design should be implemented by the municipality of Amsterdam, in the context of BPAO.
Students/Authors: Cem Kalende; Hester Leverstein; Jasmijn Golyardi; Justin de Jong; Pepijn van Leeuwen