
MG-PID studie

Klinische studie naar samenhang tussen Mycoplasma genitalium infectie en het ontstaan van klachten zoals 'pelvic inflammatory disease' (PID) en tuba-ovarium absessen (TOA).

Rationale: Evidence is accumulating that Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) is an important sexual transmissible infection. However, studies contradict each other on the pathogenic role of MG in Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and on complications like tubo-ovarian abscesses (TOA). Nonetheless, recent British (BASHH) as well as international (IUSTI) guidelines recommend MG testing, molecular determination of antimicrobial resistance and specific treatment, including partner treatment, whereas neither the US CDC guidelines, nor the Dutch NHG, NVOG and multidisciplinary STD guidelines for PID treatment recommend MG testing. Clarification is needed on the clinical relevance of MG in PID in order to prescribe patients proper treatment.

Looptijd 2018-2024