
Role for planners: Integrating Spatial Planning and Design with society, ‘Planning for all’

2 Oktober 2020

This debate will focus on the repositioning of the spatial planner or designer as an orchestrator and enabler of sustainable regional futures. With the current pressing global issues in mind, it’s high time to embrace and promote the unique qualities and attributes of spatial planning and design, and explore the new roles planners and designers should take on. Some of the questions that we will address are;
– How should planners and designers operate in addressing the big-ticket issues of the 21st century?
– What capacities are essential to create an impact on sectors related to new planning, that will encompass distinctive collaborations?
In the format of a debate, we will look at the paradigm shift in the roles of spatial planning and the capacities that challenges the new age planners. Some of the main discussions will revolve around;
– Paradigm shift in spatial planning and design
– Big challenges and differences in sectoral boundaries
– Changing roles: Planner as a boundary spanner
– Capacity building in of planning that is needed to interact with other sectors (social, economic, cultural, energy, technological)
– Expectations from various sectors from planners?
– Additional capacities necessary for 21st CE planners and designers
– Unprecedented times: Prioritization of monumental shifts in the field of planning

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Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: Piqsels - Green city