Collectie (4)

Mobility (EU/INT)

urban and metropolitan mobility

Amsterdam onderzoekt samen met steden in het Eurodelta naar opties om de korte afstandsvluchten te substitueren met snelle treinen. Hier is een verzameling van achterliggende rapporten.

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Within the network Metrex a couple of employees from cities and regions are interested in substitution of flights up to 800 km by High-speed trains. The working group is called Strategic urban region Eurodelta (SURE Eurodelta). 



The majority of the people of Europe live and work in cities and urban regions. Within the wider Europe there are some 120 metropolitan regions and areas, which are the larger centres of economic and social life.
They contain core business, cultural and governmental functions and their wellbeing is vital to the sustainability, competitiveness and social progress of Europe and its people. Many have severe problems, which also need special attention.

METREX, the Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas, provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge, expertise and experience on metropolitan affairs, and joint action on issues of common interest.

The Network has members from some 50 metropolitan regions and areas and partners in many others.
METREX contributes the metropolitan dimension to policies, programmes and projects on a European scale. The Network is a partner of European institutions, the research community, governmental organisations and other networks.




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