
In vitro kweek van Treponema pallidum direct vanuit patiëntmonsters

Het in vitro kweken van Treponema pallidum direct vanuit patiëntenmateriaal.

The Treponema pallidum bacterium is the causative agent of syphilis. To be able to perform more fundamental research it would be the best to culture this bacterium directly from clinical swabs taken from patients with primary syphilis. So far no laboratory in the world has achieved this direct cultivation from patient material. Since the GGD Amsterdam cinic for sexually transmitted diseases has an unique opportunity to collect patient specimen and since the Amsterdam UMC has the right facilities a pilot research has been started to try and optimise this direct culture of the Treponema pallidum bacterium.

In this project different culture procedures will be tested.

Looptijd: 1-4-2022 = 31-12-2022