Collection (3)

Innovation Arena

This is a collection of presentations held within the theme of the Innovation Arena during the Urban Living Lab Summit at AMS Institute. This day was organised to gather more insight and knowledge about the methodology of the Living Lab. Below you can find the presentations in this collection.

More information

ANN (A New Normal) Radar – Identifying Urban Testbeds for Sustainable Cities Pilot Projects and Climate Mitigation Action

Jens Bley, HafenCity University of Hamburg

Connecting food production and consumption using living labs

Alexander Laarman, AMS-Institute

Build with Confidence: The Furture Proof Assests consortium

Joke Dufourmont, AMS-Institute

Image credits

Header image: Hoofdbeeld_ULL_Summit_2022.original.jpg

Icon image: signal-2022-06-21-171602_022.jpeg

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