
Populism, democracy, and political participation: a citizen's perspective

Power to the people?

Much research is devoted to the relationship between populist parties and democracy. However, relatively little is known about the relationship between citizens’ populist attitudes and democracy. This article examines the relationship between populist attitudes, support for democracy, and political participation (voting, protest, support for referendums, and support for deliberative forms of participation). Using survey data from the Netherlands, this article shows that individuals with stronger populist attitudes are more supportive of democracy, are less likely to protest, are more supportive of referendums, and are more supportive of deliberative forms of political participation compared to individuals with weaker populist attitudes. Results show no relationship between populist attitudes and voting. These findings provide important insights into the relationship between populism, democracy, and political participation from a citizen’s perspective.

Andrej Zaslove, Bram Geurkink, Kristof Jacobs & Agnes Akkerman (2021)
Power to the people? Populism, democracy, and political participation: a citizen's perspective, West
European Politics, 44:4, 727-751, DOI: 10.1080/01402382.2020.1776490

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Icon image: populism - pxhere


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