
European Investment Bank

The European Investment Bank is the lending arm of the European Union. We are the biggest multilateral financial institution in the world and one of the largest providers of climate finance.

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European Investment Advisory Hub (URBIS)

The Hub is designed to act as a single point of entry to a comprehensive offer of advisory services and technical assistance. We aim at providing targeted support to identify, prepare and develop investment projects across the European Union.

The Hub consists of three components:

  • A single point of entry to a range of advisory and technical assistance programmes and initiatives for public and private beneficiaries, provided by experts
  • A cooperation platform to leverage, exchange and disseminate expertise among partner institutions and beyond
  • An instrument to assess and address new needs by reinforcing or extending existing advisory services or creating new ones as demand arises

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URBIS is a new dedicated urban investment advisory platform within the European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH). URBIS is set up to provide advisory support to urban authorities[1] to facilitate, accelerate and unlock urban investment projects, programmes and platforms. URBIS has been developed in partnership by the European Commission (DG REGIO) and the EIB in the context of the EU One Stop Shop for Cities and in support of the ambitions defined in the EU Urban Agenda.

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Existing advisory services are often organised on the basis of specific programmes and specific sectors, whereas urban authorities can require more urban specific and place based advisory support, addressing both city wide investment planning and financing needs for projects as well as integrated urban development programmes comprising a number of smaller projects within a strategic framework. Such an approach often requires an integrated/packaged advisory offer – and this is what URBIS will provide. Other existing advisory programmes, such as JASPERS, ELENA and fi-compass, which are also providing support to urban authorities, will continue to be available.

In its initial phase, URBIS will consist of the following three modules, implemented in parallel:

  • Increased awareness raising of existing instruments, programmes, services; 
  • Tailor-made technical and financial advice to cities, and
  • Exploring innovative financing approaches for city investments

It will thus simplify access to existing advisory programmes and services and also address some of the current gaps in the provision of advisory support. To do this, URBIS is resourced by a specially created task force within the European Investment Advisory Hub, which will work with interested urban authorities[2] on eligible advisory support assignments. URBIS will build upon existing EIB advisory support packages including the local presence of EIB in Member States and technical assistance programmes focussed on municipalities like ELENA.

This service will be provided in line with the current EIAH pricing policy (where currently public sector promoters receive support free of charge).

The Commission and the EIB will evaluate the initial phase in the second half of 2018, providing its assessment and recommendations for a potential continuation and/or scaling up.

Click here for more information.

Source: European Investment Bank


What is URBIS?