

The REFLOW Project aims to develop circular and regenerative cities through enabling active citizen involvement and systemic change to re-think the current approach to material flows in cities. The project utilizes Fab Labs and maker spaces as catalysts for change in urban and peri-urban environments.


Under the current urban paradigm, cities consume more resources than they produce. 68% of the world’s population is predicted to live in urban areas by 2050 (UN). REFLOW’s mission is to show how rethinking our economy and configuration of the urban metabolism can enable the transition to circular and regenerative cities.


REFLOW's vision is to develop circular and regenerative cities through the re-localization of production and the reconfiguration of material flows at different scales. REFLOW aims to provide best practices that align market and government needs in order to create favorable conditions for the public and private sector to adopt circular principles. 

Out focus 

The REFLOW project builds on the concept of the 'urban metabolism' which seeks to understand the city and its surrounding region through the lens of biological systems, and technical processes. The project will calculate, analyse, and redefine urban resource usage through specific social, environmental, and economic indicators in order to assess the relationship between urban production and consumption. 

Source: REFLOW - About

Image credits

Icon image: REFLOW logo

