Societal Challenge 2 - Innovative and citizen-driven food system approaches in cities
Cities for food systems transformation - FOOD 2030
Food 2030 is the EU's research and innovation policy to transform food systems and ensure everyone has enough affordable, nutritious food to lead a healthy life. The ambition of Food 2030 is to achieve four key food and nutrition goals, which will deliver a range of co-benefits and, therefore, deliver on the Green Deal, the Farm-To-Fork Strategy and the Climate Ambition. These goals include Nutrition for sustainable and healthy diets; Climate smart and environmentally sustainable food systems; Circularity and resource efficiency of food systems; Innovation and empowerment of communities. Urban food systems transformation is a key component of Food 2030, seen that the challenge of providing the inhabitants of European cities with affordable, safe, and nutritious food is both urgent and complex.
This chapter is part of the report 'EU research & innovation for and with cities' that provides an overview of the main EU Research and Innovation (R&I) actions for and with cities to help them accelerate their transition towards sustainability and climate neutrality.
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Icon image: Fotograaf: Renata Chede. Markt zuidoost, uit fotobank gemeente Amsterdam