We are Rhythm

In this story, the writer Lipika Bansal, tells about her personal connection with the making process of textile and the history and the trade routes of textiles between India and the Netherlands. She also tells about the fashion industry.

Lipika Bansal is a creative researcher and social designer. She works in the public domain. Lipika founded Textiel Factorij, uses co-creation and artistic research methodologies for empowerment and change. 

The images for this story are made by Hitankshu Bhatt, who is a photographer, graphic designer, nature lover, researcher, and Rumi lover. Hitanshu’s work is primarily centred on Indian craft and folk-art practices and documenting these traditions.

To view the artwork that was made for this story, please check out this link.

The story in this episode is read by Lipika Bansal.



Image credits

Icon image: 03_Hitankshu Bhat.jpg