Collection (7)

Research (knowledge) institutions - Dossier Food

This collection contains the research institutions of the (knowledge) institutions that conduct research on food. The layout is as follows: partner knowledge institutions, (inter)national knowledge institutions and other institutions.

Click on ‘more information’ for an overview of the different parts in this collection.

More information

Partner knowledge institutions

Amsterdam Green Campus (UvA)

Amsterdam Green Campus (AGC) is a non-profit foundation sof the University of Amsterdam. Onze goals are:

  • Sharing knowledge (valorisation)
  • Economische growth of the green sector in the northwest of the Nederlands
  • Continuous development of well-qualified personnel at MBO, HBO and WO level (agriculture, food, life sciences and chemistry)

For more information see: UvA - Amsterdam Green Campus

Amsterdam Public Health (VUmc en AMC)

The Amsterdam Public Health research institute focusses on ‘public health’ issues with immediate relevance for the societal challenges facing large metropolitan area’s in a globalizing world.

For publications see: Amsterdam Public Health - Research output

Athena Institute (VU)

The Athena Institute is a research and education department at the Faculty of Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Athena’s mission is to scientifically study and design interfaces between science and society, with the aim to:

  • Increase academic and societal understanding of key factors in innovation processes
  • Enrich science with increased societal legitimacy and improved research utilization
  • Improve societal awareness of how innovations may benefit the sustainability, equity and fairness of societies.

For publications see: Athena Institute - Research output

HvA Urban Vitality 

We are facing many major lifestyle challenges. More than 30% of people who live in Amsterdam suffer from co-morbid (and sometimes chronic) diseases, the population is aging and the ‘public health gap’ is increasing, meaning that highly educated residents live longer and stay healthier than those with low levels of education or on low incomes.

Through its Urban Vitality program, AUAS seeks to address these challenges so that vitality is brought within reach of all of those living in Amsterdam.

For publications see: Urban Vitality - Research output

(Inter)national knowledge institutions 

Wageningen University & Research 

At the University of Wageningen lots of research is conducted on food, such as: food systems, food security, healthy and safe food, food waste and food innovations. 

The following research institutions of the WUR conduct research on food: 

For more information see: 

The research institute Wageningen Environmental Research conducts research on green and sustainable cities, including 'urban food systems'

For more information see: WUR - Urban food systems

For publications from Wageningen Environmental Research see: research output

Other institutions 

Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA)

The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) monitors the safety of food and consumer products, animal welfare and nature. The NVWA monitors the compliance with laws and regulations made by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.

For more information see: Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality en the NVWA

Image credits

Header image: Pxhere

Icon image: WUR - Food & Biobased Research

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