Masterscriptie Forensische Orthopedagogiek
Graduate School of Child Development and Education
Universiteit van Amsterdam
E.L. Schipper (11669144)
MSc Thesis UvA - Een veilig thuis voor iedereen: De invloed van wijkgebonden factoren en factoren gerelateerd aan de meldingsbereidheid van professionals op het aantal meldingen bij Veilig Thuis Amsterdam
By Ellis Schipper
To resolve child abuse, it is important that every signal of maltreatment is reported to Veilig Thuis. In the Amsterdam neighbourhoods Nieuw-West and Zuidoost there is a discrepancy between the expected and the actual amount of child maltreatment reports at Veilig Thuis Amsterdam. By using semi structured interviews, Amsterdam professionals (N=14) were questioned about factors that could explain this discrepancy. Several factors concerning the neighbourhood and the willingness of professionals to report signals of child maltreatment explain the amount of reports at Veilig Thuis Amsterdam. It appears that the influence of these factors is diffuse. In addition, some factors have multiple effects on the number of reports. Recommendations are aimed at care for residents with non-western origins and increasing trust of professionals in Veilig Thuis, since this has a positive effect on the amount of reports of child abuse. Additionally, recommendations are aimed at the further development of the theoretical model of factors that influence the reports of child abuse.
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Icon image: Flickr - Veilig thuis