Inactive rhythm zones
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Inactive rhythm zones are the spaces where there are no decisive activities or physical notions that give a shape to that rhythm throughout the day. In this analysis, these zones are mostly identified as the large green spaces, although it is suggested that these kinds of rhythms can be found also in other urban areas, such as industrial zones or office districts. This has to be yet researched. Around Kikkenstein and Kleiburg, 4 main inactive rhythm zones are identified, which differ from each other based on where they are located.
This inactive rhythm zone faces the transitionary rhythm zone of Kleiburg. This zone has a small football field although not many children observed playing. There are drink bottles next to the football gates which shows that occasionally this space is used. At the other side of this zone there are single family houses. This zones fills the space in between. The occasional passers by are coming from those houses, walking towards the shopping street or the metro station.
At the other side of Kleiburg, the inactive rhythm zone hosts occasional passers by. From here the people who are sporting can be seen but it is not clear if this activity has an effect on how the rhythms of this zone take shape.
This inactive zone is in between the Kikkenstein and the Kruitberg buildings. Close to Kruitberg, the planning of the landscape seems to take better shape and it is much cleaner than the Kikkenstein side. Closer to Kruitberg, there is a deserted playground. Although children playing there are not easily spotted, there is a lot of trash at the playground. Behind the playground there are benches. Here people (mostly men) sitting can be seen.
According to the cleaners, this is the most problematic area from the perspective of trash. During the architectural interventions that took place, the entrance to the building from this side of Kikkenstein was elevated to the first floor (so it meets the entrances from the other side), making this area even more deserted. Besides the underpasses of the housing block, there are many other dark spots due to this elevation. On the other side of this zone, there is an elevated highway, creating another blind green wall. There are few garbage cans around but are not much used. The trash that can be found here, on the other hand, is quite diverse. It ranges from house garbage like banana peels or diapers to drinking cans and wine bottles. There is a bike path which is used a lot since there is nearby the underpass that connects to the rest of the K-buurt. Still, the bikers appear irregularly, not creating a decisive rhythm.
Image credits
Icon image: K&K - inactive rhythms Kleiburg