Join us to explore Brave New Learning

In February 2019 the Amsterdam Public Library (OBA) will celebrate its 100th anniversary. With over 3,6 million visitors per year, OBA is the biggest cultural organization of Amsterdam and one of the important centers for life-long learning for Amsterdammers of all ages.

OBA and have teamed up to create an event for all: for citizens - young and old - and for learning professionals alike. We invite you to experience and discuss the future of learning in our cities at Brave New Learning. Bringing together those who create and design new learning experiences: from pioneers to some of the world’s leading practitioners.

9-10 February The Weekend

Join our Brave New Learning weekend. Two days of exciting maker activities for kids in the splendid OBA Oosterdok location. Make letters with artbots, race against self driving cars, make electronic textile, build Amsterdam of 2128 with OBA’s makerspaces, de Waag and Pakhuis de Zwijger. The weekend will offer many possibilities to learn, design and experiment.

11-12 February The ELIG Conference

Join the ELIG Brave New Learning Conference 2019 that will gather international and local learning professionals, innovative companies and policy makers to share ideas, learn from each other and hack together some of the most prominent learning challenges we face. The Conference includes a track organized by Student Talks and a parallel program for schools and teachers.


For more information, see website OBA

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Icon image: oba100-logo.jpg