
Colorful care

An exploratory literature study on cultural and sexual diversity in long-term care for the elderly

Today's plural and aging society demands attention for diversity in long-term care for the elderly. This literature study focuses on the theme of cultural diversity on the one hand, and specifically on elderly immigrants with a Turkish and Moroccan background, since these groups will increase the fastest in the coming years in the major cities. On the other hand, this literature review focuses on sexual diversity and LGBT elderly (or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) – a relatively invisible group in healthcare. Both elderly immigrants with a Turkish/Moroccan background and LGBT elderly people have experiences of social exclusion and discrimination. As target groups in care, their demand for care seems to be insufficiently in line with the existing care offer, as they seem to make less use of formal care and welfare facilities than would be expected on the basis of their health situation. In the context of decentralization and extramuralisation in healthcare, healthcare and welfare organizations need more information about matching supply and demand, what this requires of professionals and how and to what extent they should develop specific (personnel) policies for this. target audiences.

Commissioned by Healthcare Organization Cordaan, this exploratory literature study examined scientific and 'grey' sources on knowledge about the health, care use and care demand of migrant elderly people with Turkish/Moroccan background - in short 'migrant elderly' - (1) and of LGBT elderly people (2) . The current range of (in)formal care, housing and welfare for both groups has also been mapped out as accurately as possible and the perceived bottlenecks and success factors experienced by professionals and organizations with regard to both target groups have been inventoried (3 and 4). The aim of this information is to make recommendations on how to bridge the apparent gap between supply and demand by healthcare and welfare organisations.


Source: Leyerzapf, H., Klokgieters, S. S., Ghorashi, H., & Broese Van Groenou, M. I. (2017). Kleurrijke zorg: een verkennende literatuurstudie naar culturele en seksuele diversiteit in de langdurige ouderenzorg. Cordaan, Institute for Societal Resilience en Medical Humanities VUmc. 

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Header image: Kleurrijke zorg banner.png

Icon image: Kleurrijke zorg.png

