Collection (5)

Research door Caroline Nevejan

In this collection you will find the various researchers of Prof. Caroline Nevejan. She carries this out from the chair 'Designing Urban Experience'. Nevejan, professor by special appointment at the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, focuses her research on presence (witness) and the design of trust.

(1) Rhythm Research aims to identify methods for analysis of rhythms, intervention in rhythms and to formulate how rhythm analyzes are a new source for urban policy making.
(2) From the chair 'Designing Urban Experience', Nevejan focuses on understanding and designing urban experiences as a shared reflection on the many sensations and emotions that a city offers. She supervises five PhD students.
(3) Trust Research focuses on the design of trust and the role of presence and witnessing of the other. The tradeoffs between trust and truth are shifting as we bear witness to each other in new ways, thanks to the different technologies that shape our presence.
(4) City Science: Conducting research in the city has a unique character. Together with Chief Science Officers from different cities in Europe, with scientists and artists from different countries, we investigate methodologies and research designs for conducting research in cities. Nevejan's professorship and csoship come together in this project.

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Header image: Tegels - Portugees - Blauw | Lukas Tennie via Unsplash

Icon image: Tegels - Portugees - Blauw | Lukas Tennie via Unsplash

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