By 2023, the population of Amsterdam will have increased to a new record. Population growth is accompanied by changes in population composition. What new trends and historical developments will we see in 2023 and what effects will they have on the city?

Over the past 120 years, Amsterdam has experienced multiple periods of population growth and contraction, with the demographic composition changing significantly. Various geopolitical, economic and demographic developments, as well as housing policy, underlie this.

In 2023, the population increased by 13,554 (+1.5 percent). Both population and population growth are not evenly distributed throughout the city. All areas around downtown are more densely populated than outside. Areas where there is room for new housing and where many families settle are growing more strongly than areas where there is no room for housing development and where relatively many elderly people live and few children are born.

Almost half (48 percent) of Amsterdam's population is between the ages of 18 and 45. This proportion is lower nationally (35 percent). At the same time, the group of over-65s (13 percent) in Amsterdam is smaller than nationally (20 percent). Thus, compared to the Netherlands, Amsterdam has more people in their twenties, thirties and forties and fewer older people.

The country of birth of a person and both his or her parents determines whether a person has a migration background. Most Amsterdammers (59 percent) have a migration background in 2023, mainly from a European country (17 percent) or Asia (15 percent, including Turkey). Of all Amsterdammers with a migration background, more than 60 percent were born abroad and the rest in the Netherlands.

Read more on the website of Research and Statistics

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  • Veemkade met fietsers en voetganger, fotograaf Edwin van Eis 2023, fotobank Amsterdam