Examples of cultural contributions to the city's social tasks.
Appendix 'Creative perspective for Amsterdam' report Berenschot
In Motion 645, the council called on the college to involve the arts sector in solving Amsterdam's social challenges. [...] In response to the motion, Berenschot was commissioned to explore, for each policy portfolio, how art and culture can be used to represent social challenges or find solutions to issues. In the report 'Creative Perspective for Amsterdam. Inspiration and handles for cultural contributions to the social tasks of the city.' Berenschot outlines an overview of relevant issues across the full breadth of policy domains and area-oriented programs. They describe the possible or already existing use of art and culture in this regard, using inspiring examples for these issues. In this appendix, arranged according to policy portfolios and city districts, more than 60 examples are detailed, including the makers, partners and financiers.
Policy portfolios and cultural contributions social / societal: Education and equity; Youth aid and Youth care; Public health and prevention; Reception and refugees; Inclusion and anti-discrimination; Social safety; Democracy
Policy portfolios and cultural contributions physical and economic: Sustainability; Energy; Economy and business climate; Area development; Housing and Spatial Planning; Public space and Quality of Life; Tourism; Traffic & Transport and Mobility
Separate appendix 'Appendix with examples of cultural contributions to the social tasks of the city' of the report 'Creative perspective for Amsterdam. Inspiration and tools for cultural contributions to the social tasks of the city.
Report for the City of Amsterdam by Berenschot (November 12, 2024).
Bastiaan Vinkenburg, Lotte van Zuijlen, Sam Branten and Emma Fuchs
Source: Meeting December 5, 2024 Council Committee on Finance, Arts and Diversity (Municipality of Amsterdam)