- Sefkatli P. Rhythm-Scapes in Youth Care Services: Modalities of Timescapes and Presence that Shape Youth Care at Urban Organisational Settings (in review)
- Sefkatli P. & Nevejan C. Rhythm Spheres in the City: Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Proximity and Distance Shaping Togetherness in the Urban Context (in review)
- Chang R. & Sefkatli P. Space-Shaping through Rhythmic Interventions in Teaching and Learning – Pedagogical Perspectives (in review)
- Sefkatli P. Rhythmanalysis of Socio-Environmental Processes: A Review through the Lens of Lefebvre, Gandy, and Adam (in review).
- Sefkatli P. 2024. City Rhythms in Action, Advancing Methodologies and Concepts for a Spatiotemporal Perspective on the Urban Social Context, diss. University of Amsterdam
- Sefkatli, P. 2024. Rhythm Matters! How Rhythm Analysis Bridges Architecture and Sociology. archiDOCT, 12(1).
- Nevejan C. (ed) 2024. Social Impact for Climate Justice, an exploration of City Science and the new ESG/CSRD frameworks for evidence-based investments in local policymaking. Report by the City Science Initiative for the European Commission, published by the City of Amsterdam
- Nevejan C. 2024. Tuning one and other. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, (pp 1–15)
- Nevejan C. & Jakobs, Y. 2024. Masterclass 4: Hoe wetenschappelijke inzichten botsen met de dagelijkse praktijk; de case van zwerfafval. Managing Public Space edition 3, pp 25-31
- Goilo J. C. 2024. Information Actors Beyond Modernity and Coloniality in Times of Climate Change, diss. University of Amsterdam
- Teeuwen R. & Psyllidis A. 2023. Easy as child’s play? Co-designing a network-based metric for children’s access to play space. In: Sangiambut, S. (ed.): Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM 2023), Montreal, Canada.
- Sefkatli, P. & Nevejan, C. 2023. When the rhythm zones meet: territories and patterns of relationship for better understanding trash. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 1-21
- Psyllidis, A., Duarte, F., Teeuwen, R., Salazar Miranda, A., Benson, T., Bozzon, A. 2023. Cities and infectious diseases: Assessing the exposure of pedestrians to virus transmission along city streets. Urban Studies, 60(9), 1610-1628.
- Milias V. & Psyllidis A. 2022. Measuring spatial age segregation through the lens of co-accessibility to urban activities. Computers, Environments and Urban Systems, vol. 95, 101829.
- Psyllidis A., Gao S., Hu Y., Kim E-K., McKenzie G., Purves R., Yuan M., & Andris C. (2022). Points of Interest (POI): a commentary on the state of the art, challenges, and prospects for the future. Computational Urban Science, vol. 2 (2022).
- Hsu, Y. C., Verma, H., Mauri, A., Nourbakhsh, I., & Bozzon, A. (2022). Empowering local communities using artificial intelligence. Patterns, 3(3).
- Sefkatli P. 2022. Changing Rhythms During the Pandemic in Zuidoost, (accessed 7 december 2024)
- Nevejan C. (eds.) 2021. We are Rhythm. Complimentary research program to the Dutch contribution to the 17th architecture exhibition of La Bienale di Venezia Het Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam.
- Bozzon, 2021. Rhythm & Algorithm. In Nevejan C. & AbiFarès H. (editors), 2021. Tuning to Nevejan C. 2020. Architectures of Trust. In Values for Survival, Cahier 2, chapter 6. Complimentary research program to the Dutch contribution to the 17th architecture exhibition of La Bienale di Venezia Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam
- Nevejan C. & AbiFarès H. (eds.) 2021. Tuning to Rhythm, Values for Survival, Cahier 3. Complimentary research program to the Dutch contribution to the 17th architecture exhibition of La Bienale di Venezia Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam
- Sefkatli P, Smith C., Ubeda J., Niedorf B., Cunningham S. 2021. Tides of Toursism, Venice Exploratorium. In Values for Survival, Cahier 2, chapter 9. Complimentary research program to the Dutch contribution to the 17th architecture exhibition of La Bienale di Venezia Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam
- Nevejan C. 2021. Architectures of Trust. In Values for `Survival, Cahier 2, chapter 6. Complimentary research program to the Dutch contribution to the 17th architecture exhibition of La Bienale di Venezia, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam
- Nevejan, C. 2020. Exploring city science, In Seeing the City, Amsterdam University Press
- Nevejan C. & Sefkatli P. &, 2020. City Rhythms: An Approach to Urban Rhythm Analyses. In Rhythm and Critique: Technics, Culture, Capital, Paola Crespi & Sunil Manghani, Edinburgh University Press.
- Psyllidis, A., Yang, J., & Bozzon, A. 2018. Regionalization of social interactions and points-of-interest location prediction with geosocial data. IEEE Access, 6, 34334-34353.
- Nevejan C, Sefkatli P., Cunningham S. 2018. City Rhythm, logbook of an exploration. Delft University of Technology
- Bocconi, S., Bozzon, A., Psyllidis, A., Titos Bolivar, C., & Houben, G. J. 2015. Social Glass: A platform for urban analytics and decision-making through heterogeneous social data. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web(pp. 175-178).
- Sefkatli P. 2015. Playing with Rhythms. Building a Housing Block with Rhythm in Addis Ababa (MSc Thesis TU Delft)
- Nevejan, C., & Brazier, F. 2015. Design for the Value of presence. van den Hoven, PE Vermaas, I. Van de Poel Handbook of ethics, values, and technological design: Sources, theory, values and application domains, 403-430
- Nevejan C. (ed.) 2012. Witnessing You, on trust and truth in the network society. Delft University of Technology. (accessed 7th of October 2024)
- Nevejan C. & Gill S.P. 2012. Special issue on Witnessed Presence 2012, AI & Society, Journal for Knowledge, Culture and Communication.