How do you know what you know?
Tuesday, January 14, 2025, Paradiso Amsterdam
In the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, an increasing number of knowledge institutions, service organizations, the province of North Holland and the municipality of Amsterdam are sharing the knowledge they are developing via on a daily basis. On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, this unique collaboration will be celebrated in Amsterdam with the festive program "How do you know what you know?" at the capital Paradiso. started quietly in 2020 during the corona epidemic. Since then, more than ten thousand studies relevant to Amsterdam have been collected. Many new partners were welcomed (there are now 36), the website's interface is beautifully designed, and AI has been integrated for access to scientific databases. Many collaborations are documented on
In an age where social media and AI are increasingly shaping knowledge exchange, the importance of the question grows: How do you know what you know?
On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, we celebrate the collaboration behind, a platform where knowledge institutions, the City of Amsterdam, the Province of North Holland, and other organizations share their insights and research. Since its launch in 2020, more than ten thousand studies have been added, ranging from policy papers to data monitors. The innovative website, which developed quietly during the corona pandemic, now offers a widely accessible interface with AI-assisted search functions and documents collaborations in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.
During the afternoon program, many collaborations in research and policy are presented. With contributions from: the partners of, the Amsterdam research workshops, the municipal PhD students, Amsterdam knowledge administrators Peter-Paul Verbeek, Jeroen Geurts, Geleyn Meijer, Gaby Allard, David van Traa, Eveline van Leeuwen, Marleen Stikker, Thijs van Schijndel, Farid Tabarki, Michel Banabila, Steven Elbers, the Paradiso Choir and Orchestre Partout.
During the evening program, artists and scientists reflect on the foundations of our knowledge and the importance of what we do not yet know.
With contributions from professor of social artificial intelligent AI SennayGhebreab, anthropologist and professor of diversity and integration Halleh Ghorashi, photographer and filmmaker Kadir van Lohuizen, journalist and co-founder of Follow the Money Eric Smit, architect Afaina de Jong, publicist Natascha van Weezel, journalist Sheily Belhaj, choreographer and dancer Roshanak Morrowation | Rover company, Chief Science Officer of the City of Amsterdam Caroline Nevejan, alderman for economic affairs, sports and MBO Sofyan Mbarki, pediatrician at the Amsterdam UMC Job Calis, freestyle soccer player Guido van Moorselaar with his piece Jazz'n Motion, voice artist Luca Warmer and pianist Hans Vromans, Chief Technology Officer of the City of Amsterdam Ger Baron, and with music by Michel Banabila and images by Steven Elbers.
Curated by and Paradiso, this program celebrates the collaboration between knowledge institutions, the municipality of Amsterdam, the province of North Holland and other organizations that share their insights and research on the platform. The afternoon program on the same day focuses on the partners, research and future development of .
About is a digital platform for research, knowledge and innovation about and for Amsterdam and its surroundings. Access to different types of knowledge is indispensable for the democracy, broad prosperity and resilience of the Amsterdam region. Therefore, knowledge institutions, government and civil society organizations share the knowledge they develop with region and city. is a local network environment that makes this research, design and policy visible in relation to each other. This creates interdisciplinary and integral knowledge development in and for the metropolitan challenges of the Amsterdam region.
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