The welfare state has become an additional stressor in the lives of people facing existential insecurity. People must possess too much "instantiation capital": the ability to find their own way through the maze of counters and show the right attitude toward agencies. A lighter and simpler system of help, based on shared responsibility, is needed to give vulnerable people the support they need. The research results and recommendations are compiled in this research magazine "Existential security starts with a trustworthy government," edited by Aisa Amagir and Monique Kremer. The magazine consists of articles on trust, good help, non-use of services, social initiatives, figures and facts, and portraits of people dealing with existencial insecurity.

Amagir, A. en Amagir, A. en M. Kremer (red.) (2024) Bestaanszekerheid begint bij een
betrouwbare overheid. Amsterdam: Kenniscentrum Ongelijkheid.

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