is a digital platform for research, knowledge, and innovation about Amsterdam and the metropolitan area. The goal of the platform is to share knowledge, to show relations between different kinds of knowledge, and to work together in research projects. 

More about this site

Food Strategy

With the Food Strategy, Amsterdam will focus on a healthy, fair, sustainable and affordable local food system in the coming years.

The way we produce, distribute, process and consume food has a major…

Food for Thought

Through filmmaker and photographer Kadir van Lohuizen's eye you will be taken into the world behind the food on our plate.

He conducts this research in collaboration with the Food Workshop, and on…

Academic Food Workshop (AWV)

The Academic Food Workshop (AWV) is a collaboration that works on the food revolution.

The food we consume in today's globalized society is produced all over the world and often transported over long…

Kennis op de kaart

These parties are part of the City Deal Kennis Maken

  • Gemeente Amsterdam
  • Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Vrije universiteit van Amsterdam
  • inholland
  • Hogeschool van Amsterdam
  • Gerrit Rietveld Academie
  • Amsterdamse hogeschool voor de kunsten
Other participating parties